Course SurveyCourse Survey Your Name (Optional) How satisfied were you with today’s College of Commissioner Science? * Very SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedSomewhat UnsatisfiedVery Unsatisfied Comment How relevant was the course content to fulfilling your role as a Commissioner? * Very RelevantSomewhat RelevantSomewhat IrrelevantVery Irrelevant Comment How effective were the facilitators in presenting the course content? * Very EffectiveSomewhat EffectiveSomewhat IneffectiveVery Ineffective Comment How likely are you to attend another College of Commissioner Science next year? * Very LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat UnlikelyVery Unlikely Comment (Important) What was the best parts of the CCS? (open response) (Important) What can we do to improve the experience? (open response) Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.